Saturday, July 17, 2010

Halfway there

It's hard to believe. We hit the ground running, and suddenly we're about to start the 3rd week. Crazy. Most of the instructors headed to Haifa, Nazareth, and the north this weekend, but I stayed in Jerusalem to catch up on sleep.

Some highlights from the week:

Last Sunday, we watched the World Cup final with the MEET students. Both teams were represented by hearty cheering sections!

We were watching the game on the lawn with a projector and large screen, which was all well and good until suddenly, the sprinklers came on! In the rush to save the projector/computer, we lost the connection and so missed a good chunk of the 1st half. Luckily, the game was pretty boring, so we didn't actually miss anything.

Wednesday afternoon was sports day. This consisted of semi-organized games of soccer, volleyball, basketball, among others. There's also this game that the students are obsessed with, but it involves standing in a circle and setting a volleyball to each other. If you mess up, you sit in the middle, and you have to catch the ball in order to get back in the circle. However, once there are people in the middle, if 3 passes are completed successfully, you can slam the ball as hard as you want at the folks in the middle. Don't know why it's so exciting, and it seems rather painful to me, but the students love it.

Thursday was the Parents' Event! This is a fantastic event that MEET holds each year so the students' parents can come see what they've been up to. The event opened with a presentation by Assaf, a short speech by Zach (our incoming CEO), and a short presentation by me about the curriculum. We then all joined in a delicious potluck dinner with local food provided by all of the parents, and much food and conversation was had by all. Additionally, each of the students got to take their parents to the computer labs to show off their work. Overall, it was a fun event, and a fantastic meeting of different cultures.

And now another weekend has ended and it's time to tackle another week! Here's hoping I'm less sleep-deprived by the end of this one.

(Photos coming soon!)